Sunday, February 1, 2009

metallic waters and the odd couple

I've deemed the perfect temperature. It settles around 71 degrees give or take 5 degrees...but okay I guess I cannot be so decisive as I will just say that any temperature in the 70's is fine by me. The temperature that makes you not think of how you are feeling, neither hot nor cold. Of course if this temperature range is accompanied by a breeze- all the better.

Give me the view of a humpback whale with a kite in my hand and the weather as described above and I could call it a life.
(like the saying, call it a day)

Did I mention I over explain things in fear that I will be misunderstood?

So, I get to the beach to take a run or walk, however I feel at the time, I greet the gulf waters always with utter joy. Today the water seems to have some sort of blue jean metallic mercury-like appearance, pretty gorgeous actually. The sky seemed to match its colors and the sun was begging for a little exposure since it was making its debut on the other side of the world shortly. The little rays were peaking out of the deliberate holes in the sparse clouds above. Quite a sight to behold for sure.

I walked in the water which was surprisingly not very cold. I found tons of broken pieces of sand dollars which are GREAT for skipping, if you're into that. I am. I can only skip stones that are flat, unlike some pros who can skip all sorts of shapes. I'll learn.

So I walked, I collected, I skipped. At one point, I was mesmerized by the water. To think of it, I am always mesmerized by the water, there's not too much that can grab my attention from it. Anyway, I see this odd couple floating out in the gulf.

A pelican and a seagull. At first, I just think they are swimming near each other. Then I see the pelican fly away and the seagull flies right after it. The pelican takes a dive, the seagull doesn't but lands right next to the pelican, as if it were waiting for it to grab a fish. Maybe it had some master plan to take it from the pelican, I couldn't see how this would work but whatever.
Then the seagull flies away first this time, the pelican follows. The pelican takes a dive, the seagull lands next to it. This happens a few times until they are out of my sight and I honestly don't want to see them separate so I turn and walk back.

This little bond made an impact on me. I was moved by it. I mean, I know it could have been nothing, but no I don't think it was nothing, I think I was just appeasing the random reader who would think it was nothing. Well, I think you're wrong. Either way, it was amazing and made me want to call someone I shouldn't call.

A few minutes later, the odd couple finds its way back up the shore and there they were flying in sync along side of me again. I felt some sort of assurance that they'd still stick together. A good thing too.

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