Thursday, February 5, 2009

my damn dreams

This week my dreams have been making me sleep in. It's a bit irritating because even if I don't have a schedule the next day, I like to wake up by around 9 am either way. But no, this week, I cannot get up earlier than 11 am and today put the icing on the cake as I found myself awake at 12:15.

It's not that I'm not thankful for an active sleep life (I know that sounds pretty weird) I am, I get to experience some crazy things during my unconscious life.

Last night, for example, led me to have a dream that I was somewhere around Italy. I was hanging out with a girl Sarah that I have not seen in a long time. She and I were looking at all of these coins some were some the U.S. and some were from the EU. She had these black coins and someone said were called clickels (they were kind of like nickels but were really pretty and were solid black) they were worth $2 and so we gathered up our coins and decided we would split them.

We went up to a machine where you could get the stuffed animals out of and she one THREE at the same time! We were...OVERLY excited about this feat. One of the stuffed animals was a Mickey Mouse and I thought to myself, "...she's got to know that that is the one I want."

As we were yelling that we won three at the same time, someone else, at the same time pulls one from behind their back (they were sitting off to the side) I think they were trying to show us that we shouldn't be too excited.

Well, anyways, I think we got in a little fight with a waiter because he wiped all of our coins off of the table and everyone around us scrambled around to collect our loss as I yelled at the waiter, asking him what the heck he was doing.

The dream ends somewhere at a gas station (oh not before I had a dream I was at my friend Tracy's wedding whose dresses were hanging from the ceiling and they were REALLY long and we were at the dinner rehearsal)

I'm at this gas station and I see all of these people I used to see in Italy and they are lined up at the door and here comes Paola (the cook at the villa) and Bibi (the grandmother at the villa) and they are speaking to me in Italian and all I could say was, Ora mio italiano e` no buon perche ho no tempo per pratica. Bad Italian for me, no time to practice.

Then here I find an email this morning with my reservations in my inbox. A little bit of a strange feeling about it. February 28-April 7. My unconscious life was preparing me for the news this morning.

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