Wednesday, February 18, 2009

a whale of a dream

The other day I was sharing with my new friend, Joel, some reoccuring themes I have in my dreams. One major one being whales--more specifically, humpback whales.

Usually in my dream I see them in small bodies of water, like a pool...very strange. Only one time did I have a dream that I saw a whale and it was dead on the beach and I cried a tremendous amount. It was very weird. I tried to understand what that dream meant to me. Why did I see this dead whale when usually they are alive? I took it to represent my dreams, my ambitions of something I wanted to do that I always dreamt of, dying. Literally a dying dream, or something that was escaping me. Thankfully, within the same dream there was another whale that was almost going to be beached but was being saved by a windsurfer who was riding on top of the whale to veer it off course of the conquered the beaching and lived.

I am currently in the midst of living in NYC, taking on an opportunity that seems all too surreal with a writer who is not only a great human being, but oddly enough interested in working with me, in investing time in me. I cannot believe it on an hourly basis-but it's happening and for some reason I am doing what I never knew I truly wanted to do. Make sense?

Well, I am currently collecting interviews for a book he is putting together called, Dear: Americans Talk About Love. This is a compilation of stories from different Americans, an incredibly diverse group of interviewees so far-it's amazing.

The fact that I am meeting people, talking about a subject that is mostly on my mind throughout the day is something I cannot believe. I get to talk to people-strangers-about love.

This leads me to tell you about a dream I had last night. I was swimming in the ocean but for some reason it was sectioned off into different chambers. I was swimming and this man gave me a fish to feed the whales. At first I could not see the whales, I thought I had some goggles on but they weren't clear enough. I looked into the water as I was snorkeling and remember seeing this mass floating near me and in complete awe I watched as this mass grew bigger and bigger as it made its approach.

The man told me to be careful with the fish and not to put it in the water or the whale would want to come and eat it from my hands and I told him, "I am not afraid of whales." He clearly had no idea what a whale encounter meant to me.

Sure enough I remember a whale engulfing my leg, but I was laughing and was just really happy, it didn't hurt nor did the whale mean me any harm. It's big flap of a mouth was around my leg and I remember saying how happy I was that this was happening! It was a blissful event!

There's more to this story-more to this dream. But I feel like this was a chapter in my dream life that is telling me that I am being engulfed by my dreams. I am doing what I have dreamt of...and I am incredibly joyful for this string of events and for the people that have been involved in my days. My family, my friends, some's insane!

I'm happy that whale grabbed my leg...finally!

1 comment:

erin said...

your dreams are so weird ;) but i love you anyway! glad he grabbed your leg. ha.