Tuesday, May 1, 2007


I am so guilty of reading a book called, "Mr. Maybe". Honestly, I've never been so embarrassed to read a book before, there is a picture on the front cover of a naked man with the title in a circle over his goods.

I went to the beach today and I would usually not put any thought into this, but I seriously had to fold over the cover (sorry Kelli, I'm ruining your book-even though you had coffee stains on it anyways) so that people could not see the title or the photo on the front.

When I am at home and I put the book down, I turn it over so that the cover is never showing.

But of course, something happens today that completely reverses all that I have done to hide the book I have been reading for the past week.

I go to see Andre, the boy I liked and now like again, I can say this because I know he would never go on here to read this. Anyways, I haven't seen Andre in quite some time now, but I really wanted to see him now that I was in town. I go to the bagel shop that he works at around 10 this morning, looking pretty damn scruffy with tights, a sailor tank that Larkin and Tyler got me, and my crocs, I feel very comfortable and really excited to see him. I am greeted with a Colombian kiss (on the cheek) and the first thing he notices is my huge Matt & Nat that I recently was gifted from my parents for a grad. present. *sidenote- this bag is amazing, brazened brown, really worn in and just pretty much amazing. The type of bag that you could through a laptop in and a pair of clothes for a weekend trip-to France...while I'm living in Italy somewhere, someday- these are my plans for the bag.
ANYWAYS, so he takes notice of my huge bag and says, in his ridiculously cute accent, "what could you possibly have in there?" and takes the bag from me while someone who he works with is talking to me. So he has my bag and I think to myself, my God what do I have in there? Nothing, and I wasn't sure why I had worried so much at first, then he pulls out a huge pink novel and says, "oooooh, she likes to read!" as he looks at everyone who is behind the counter and displays the cover of the book for everyone to see---what the hell.
"Are there any pictures???" he says as he flips through the book, thank God there were none. Not that it's one of those nasty novels, but still, it's way girly and just ridiculously similar to how I think/feel/act and so, why would I want that displayed in photos. no matter.

My point is, is that my previous success in hiding this book from everyone I know was completely blown by this guy in less than 2 seconds. I want to start writing in a british accent like libby...she's the main character in the book.
So I guess there really wasn't a point in this story, I just thought it was funny and now you know what book I've been reading and can look it up online...here let me make the search a little easier for you:


oh man.