Saturday, January 17, 2009

dream recollection from 25 june 2008

I had the craziest dream... let me just try to recap the ending that i remember...
note to reader: this is INCREDIBLY unimportant, you might even waste part of your life reading this because it has no meaning, and so just a little warning...i just woke up and wanted to write it somewhere i would read again.. hehe

on a boat with some people i think i knew, going through a city like new york, but the streets were wider, all the sudden two dolphins came by the boat but we could see them in the water way before they got up to the boat, then the next thing i knew we pulled up and there was this HUGE dinosaur?!?!?!! HUGE, i mean really...a lot bigger than they probably were, and it was a bronciosaurus and it was all different colors but just ridiculously huge! then there were a bunch of people playing soccer but these people were really big-headed, then i was walking with one guy who i ithink i was dating and he was from another country and he didnt even know but he hit the soccer ball without looking and everyone wanted to talk to him, and i told someone that he was from ____ country, i dont remember which and he started speaking in another language saying that he didnt understand, and we kept telling the guy, no comprendo, haha then i said, he's my foreign exchange student....then we found this huge room that had ice cream and desserts but everything was covered up so we didnt know if we could buy anything and then there was a lady who was like, yes of course you can do anything here, and so she gave us something but then wanted a $9 donation given to her from each person, even though it was free, but then the guy i was with said he couldnt pay because he was from french switzerland and they didnt have the euro yet, so he couldnt pay and hten the other people paid... then all of the sudden, i was spending the night in some room that was kind of scary, like i had heard people talking in the room the night before but my friend amy was there with me, with some other girl i didnt know, and they were going to share a bed, and i was like, well how about one more person and we will be really warm because i didnt want to spend the night in the living room by myself, but then OOOOOOH then thats when we decided not to sleep because we saw the dolphins, and we were actually on the boat!! and we got our bathing suits on and there's where it all makes sense... at some point too, i was leaving for another country and my family was all there and my sister made me give her my snorkeling stuff so that i ddnt have to carry any more stuff with me... so weird... but i kept wanting to go back to this dream because it was so absurd.


Anonymous said...

Hi, very interesting post, greetings from Greece!

Anonymous said...

Good Afternoon

Great share, thanks for your time