This day started out rather blue. With no money, I realized that...well I need to do something about that, but the thing this..I find a way somehow to still do the things I want to do and not necessarily in an incredibly irresponsible way, no, but in a way that is rather seizing the time i have.
So, not it's not a total lie to say i was stressed, really stressed, crying stressed.
I made it through with the support of my amazingly loving family. And really it all last for just a couple of hours. The beginning of the day was cloudy and super grey, then when I knew it wasn't as big of a deal as I thought, the sun came out and life is good again.
I realized that I was more happy today than I might have been if this had not started out as a troubled day. How can you know it's good unless you have some bad?
I ran some of those errands that I spoke of before. Mail, bank, etc.. but I did get my digital voice recorder for my love story interviews and again thanks for my parent's investing in my life.
I stopped by the beach on the way home around sunset. It was beautiful outside, really windy, a little cold but enjoyable. I realized that this would be the perfect day to bring out my kite for the first time this year. I didn't think I could make it home and back in time.
I drove, as fast as legally possible. Made it home, grabbed a sweater and ran out of the house. Forgetting my kite.
Came back to the house, picked up my kite and made it back to the beach in such timing, it was beautiful.
I flew that little colorful kite for a good solid hour. And I made it down to this one beach where there is usually no one which was a great feeling sometimes.
I let the kite out all of the way, I'm a bit of a pro. And I started looking down the string with one eye, it was weird to see where the string seemed to just disappear and then a space and then the kite.
At one point when I was reeling in the kite, I was looking at the sky where the sun had set and it was such an amazing gradient of color that I felt like I could see what the color was made of, like fuzzy particles, I can't explain. It was cool though, I believe what I saw.
It all led me to this idea. I really believe it was all created by such an imaginative Artist. You know, how can you deny the creation of art? Do I doubt the photograph you took, or the painting you painted or the ad you designed? Do people not believe you when you show them your creations?
I also was trying to fly the kite so that it would be outlined by the constellation that I used to think was the big dipper, which is actually orion's belt, and the constellation that i believed to have been the little dipper is actually the big dipper and so this all leads to me needing to take an astronomy class of some sorts.
Orion's belt should be called the sky's kite. Totally doesn't look like a belt.
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